We are proud to announce that Flash B.V. is partnering with Viridi Air! 🌱 This season, Viridi Air will plant 315 trees on our behalf. A big step towards a greener and healthier future. This perfectly aligns with our mission: improving the living environment for us, and the generations to come.
Who is Viridi Air?
Viridi Air is an organization that tackles air pollution and climate change head-on. Through their creative and sustainable projects, they are making a huge impact in the Netherlands and Belgium. Their mission? Clean air and improving biodiversity.
How do they do this?
Viridi Air plants (native) trees and uses them as a secret weapon against air pollution! These special trees filter harmful substances like fine dust and CO2 from the air.
These amazing trees are planted in strategically chosen locations such as along roads. The result? Cleaner air, more biodiversity, and a beautiful environment for us all.
Viridi Air works according to the BBA-model, which is scientifically proven to provide the most effective air purification. This model consists of three main elements:
Soil: The ground is carefully selected and prepared, often in new locations such as former agricultural land.
Trees and hedges: A mix of special species is selected and planted, considering both their air purifying qualities and growth conditions. Architecture: Planting is structured to optimize light and wind exposure. This enhances the purification process.
The Viridi trees filter 22kg on average, each year. These are real green heroes in our eyes! 🌱
How we contribute: 315 “Viridi” trees
Sustainability is a very important topic for us. That’s why Viridi Air will plant 315 trees on our behalf. improving air the overall quality and making our environment a bit greener. As mentioned earlier, a “Viridi” tree filters an average of 22 kg of CO2 from the air. With 315 trees, that adds up to 6930 kg of CO2 per year!
💡 Psst! Did you know that “Viridi” is the Latin word for “green”? 💡
Our mission towards a cleaner future
At Flash B.V., everything revolves around innovation combined with sustainability. We want to contribute to a more sustainable and healthier world. For us and the generations that will follow. By partnering with organizations like Viridi Air, we’re taking another step towards a cleaner future.
Join us
Would you like to contribute to cleaner air too? Visit Viridi Air’s website today, and see what you can do to make impact. Because we believe that we can make a difference, together!